TryHackMe — SimpleCTF Writeup

Bibek Thapa Magar
4 min readMay 4, 2021



Start The machine

Task 1 : Simple CTF

How many services are running under port 1000?

A simple nmap scan will show the results

Ans: 2

What is running on the higher port?

From the scan it is clear that ssh is running on port 2222

Ans : ssh

What’s the CVE you’re using against the application?

This is quite tricky, I was not finding any clue, so I fired up DirBuster

Now, I navigated to this page and then after a lot searching, I found out that it was powered by CMS version 2.2.8

Now After I searched for the CVE in this version, Here It was. This version is vulnerable to SQL injection.


ANS : CVE-2019–9053

To what kind of vulnerability is the application vulnerable?

from here, It is clear that it is vulnerable to sql injection. But putting sql won’t work as the full name is sql injection.

ANS: sqli

What’s the password?

Now this also gave me some problem. So, I tried to dig in more. from the nmap scan, We found out that the “FTP” port is open so logging in

This file here seems a bit useful

We cannot read the file here so download it.

let’s read the file, maybe we can get some clues from there.

Reading the file it has some clue. We know that the password is weak. so let’s bruteforce it. There is ssh port open as well so, let’s try to bruteforce it.

Since the filename is ForMitch.txt let’s hope the username is “Mitch”

so passing this username and rockyou.txt in password field.

We found the password !!

Ans : secret

Where can you login with the details obtained?

It is obvious, SSH


What’s the user flag?

We have the password and the username, so let’s dig deeper and login via ssh

here after opening the file, It says “good job”. so this is the flag.

ANS: G00d j0b, keep up!

Is there any other user in the home directory? What’s its name?

Go to home and look

ANS: sunbath

What can you leverage to spawn a privileged shell?

judging by the question, We have to escalate our privilege.

so let’s see what commands can we run as sudo.

Here, We can see that We can run “vim” as root with no password.


ANS: vim

Vim is a powerful tool. Using this we can also run system commands. by passing “-c” flag, we can run any system commands.

so with sudo if we run vim with -c flag then we can run any command with root privilege.

Doing such is tedious, opens up vim everytime and it is difficult to navigate, so let’s fire up bash shell

Now, We get the bash shell and it is easier to navigate here.

What’s the root flag?

Navigate to root folder and there we see root.txt. view the file and We will get the flag.

ANS: W3ll d0n3. You made it!




Bibek Thapa Magar

I’m an electronics and Communication Engineer/ Cybersecurity Enthusiast/ Musician / Photographer / Video Editor